Detection of Three Allelic Variants in the Rabbit Growth Hormone Gene

Detection of Three Allelic Variants in the Rabbit Growth Hormone Gene

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Author(s): A. C. Cattáneo, M. S. Trigo, L. O. Perez, C. A. Cordiviola, A. G. Antonini

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1208 224 526 48-50 Volume 6 - Mar 2017


Background: The aim of this study was to identify molecular variants in a DNA fragment of the rabbit growth hormone gene and assess their relative contribution in trials with different dietary protein sources and protein levels. We studied 52 rabbits from 22 matings at the Experimental Unit of the School of Agricultural Sciences and Forestry, National University of La Plata. Diets contained two protein levels (14 and 17%) and three protein sources (meat, fish and feather meal). We evaluated the different single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) alleles and existing genotypes, and recorded the following productive variables: weaning weight (WW), weight at 45 days (W45), weight at slaughter (WS) and hot carcass weight (HCW). Results; Three SNP variants (c.-49C>A, c.-33A>G and c.66G>A) were detected in the DNA fragment analyzed with two alleles. Whereas c.-49C>A (CC, AC) and c.66G>A (GG, AG) had only two genotypes, and C-33A> G had the three possible ones. Molecular variants were in equilibrium and two showed association (p<0.001). The main contributor to overall phenotypic variation was HCW, followed by level and type of protein, and presence of c.-49C>A alleles associated with the growth hormone gene. Conclusions: The results reported in this study show the greater impact of changes in the levels and sources of protein in the diet on the percentage of variation in productivity than the presence or absence of a particular allele.


Single nucleotide polymorphism, Animal Production, Genetics


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