Preparation, Characterization and Engine Performance of Biodiesel Fuel Derived from Waste Cooking Oil and its Blends

Preparation, Characterization and Engine Performance of Biodiesel Fuel Derived from Waste Cooking Oil and its Blends

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Author(s): Muhammad Qasim, Tariq Mahmood Ansari, Mazhar Hussain

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1231 231 773 113-118 Volume 6 - Mar 2017


The crude oil price hike, depletion of petroleum product reserves and global warming due to fossil fuel emissions has stimulated the researchers to explore alternative energy resources. The objective of this research was to prepare biodiesel from waste cooking oil and to study the performance characteristics in a diesel engine without any modification. In this work, biodiesel was prepared from waste cooking oil collected from a local restaurant in Multan, Pakistan. The prepared biodiesel was blended with petroleum diesel at different proportions and characterized for physicochemical properties using ASTM standard methods. A 5.5-kW water-cooled single-cylinder direct injection diesel engine was used to measure brake Specific fuel consumption (BSFC), brake thermal efficiency (BTE) and exhaust gas temperature of the engine fuelled with petroleume diesel B0, biodiesel blends B10, B15 and B20 fuels.


Waste Cooking Oil, Biodiesel Blends, Alternate Energy, Diesel Engine, Performance Parameters


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