Soil Practices with relation to Soil Fertilities

Soil Practices with relation to Soil Fertilities

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Author(s): Kanokporn Swangjang , Kamolchanok Panishkan, Daoroong Sungthong, Natdhera Sanmanee

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824 1285 1-5 Volume 2 - Feb 2013


Soil organic matter is often realized as an indicator of soil fertility, however, agricultural practices are expected to cause changed. This study was conduct to evaluate the relationship of soil practices and organic matter content. Fifty-eight plots were sampled (0- to 30-cm depth) from three different study areas. These are included two areas from high performance cropping system, and the remainder from low intensive practices. The soil management, including tillage, fertilizer and pesticide application, was also considered. To compare the difference of organic matter levels among three areas, together with fertilizer, pesticide and tillage practices, one-way ANOVA and the independent t-test were performed. The means of organic matter do differ significantly among three study areas (P<0.05) whereas these values do not differ significantly among the other factors considered in this research (P>0.05). Basic agricultural practices show the highest levels of organic matter. Evidence regarding intensive soil performance to obtain high economic yield is raised with result of this study.


Soil Organic Matter (SOM), agricultural practices, Thailand


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