Evaluation of Agronomic and Resistance Characters to the Main Diseases of Rice Nuclear Collection of Highlands in Tocantins State

Evaluation of Agronomic and Resistance Characters to the Main Diseases of Rice Nuclear Collection of Highlands in Tocantins State

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Author(s): Gil Rodrigues dos Santos, Manoel Delintro De Castro Neto

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942 1346 16-24 Volume 2 - Apr 2013


Rice has low productivity in Tocantins due to the low genetic potential of the varieties and high susceptibility to diseases. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate a rice nuclear collection of highlands in relation to its agronomic and resistance characters to the main diseases in the south of Tocantins State. It was used the randomized blocks design with ninety treatments (genotypes) and three repetitions under highlands conditions in southern Tocantins. The following agronomic characters were evaluated: average flowering, height and productivity of the plants. The evaluated diseases were: leaf and panicle blast, brown spot, leaf scald and grain spots. The Scott-Knott test showed high variability in productivity and in resistance to the diseases. The Tocher Method grouped the 90 genotypes, according to the diseases and productivity, in 10 different groups. These results indicate the existence of significant genetic variability for these characters in the genotypes.


Oryza sativa, Magnaporthe grisea, Cochliobolus miyabeanus, Monographella albescens


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