Author(s): Kifouli ADEOTI, Gustave DJEDATIN, Ebenezer EWEDJE, Fatiou TOUKOUROU, Farid BABA-MOUSSA
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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1399
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a 108-115
Volume 6 - Aug 2017
Millet is an important cereal crop in the northern Benin. However, the diversity level of cultivated varieties still remain unknown. In order to document the diversity of cultivated species, the vernacular names, the geographical distribution of cultivated varieties, the traditional cultural practices, the uses and the farmers’ preferences related to millet cultivation, 52 villages were randomly selected and surveyed throughout the northern part of Benin using the participatory research appraisal. A total of twenty two vernacular names were recorded. Results from our survey showed that farmers cultivated both earlier and later varieties. The level of diversity is very low and the number of varieties cultivated varied from one to a maximum of three. Farmers primarily cultivated millet to fill household needs. However, productivity and culinary qualities appeared to be the most preferences criteria which determined the choice of cultivated variety. Both men and women are involved in millet ‘cultivation. Men are mostly in charge of hard work and women are mainly involved in harvesting and post-harvest. With the nmber of vernacular names recorded it is clearly recommended to clarify the reel level of diversity of cultivated millet through agromrophological and genetic characterization.
Cereal, Pennisetum, On-Farm Diversity, Preferences Criteria
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