The Efficancy of Micron and Nanoscale Sulfur the Schutte Fungi

The Efficancy of Micron and Nanoscale Sulfur the Schutte Fungi

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Author(s): Ismail Massalimov, Zaynitdinova R.M., Shaynurova A.R., Mustafin A.G.

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896 1397 25-30 Volume 2 - Mar 2013


Investigations of antifungal activity of micron and nanoscale forms of sulfur on two types of pathogenic Schutte fungi have been studied. As micronized sulfur used crushed in a roller mill, and as nanosized sulfur precipitated from a solution of sodium polysulfide. The size and shape of the particles of sulfur were characterized using a laser analyzer and probe microscope, the structure by X-ray diffractometer. Antifungal effects of sulfur particles in Sabouraud medium and field expierence have been studied. It is found that in all cases of laboratory and field expierence, antifungal activity of nanosized sulfur with an average particle size of 25 nm, 5-10 times higher than the sulfur micron with an average particle size of 8 microns. The results can be used to create more effective than conventional sulfur plant protection products.


sulfur, nanoparticles, dispersion, fungicide, Schutte fungi


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