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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1659
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a 39-43
Volume 7 - May 2018
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a common degenerative disease of the nervous system. The pathogenesis of PD is not yet clear. However, it has been reported that many factors including age, environmental factors, and genetic factors are included. Rotenone is one of the naturally occurring insecticides found in many plants of the Derris, Lonchocarpus, Tephrosia and Mundulea species. It is also one of the classic neurotoxic drugs to produce PD models. Ndfip1 has been reported to be a neuroprotective protein in the brain. Therefore, in this study, we examined the expression of Ndfip1 in the mitochondrial complex I inhibitor rotenone-induced PD models in MES23.5 dopaminergic cells. Our results showed that rotenone has a concentration-dependent and time-dependent impairment effect on MES23.5 cells. When the concentration of rotenone was 25 nmol/L, the viability of the cells was significantly decreased at 24 hrs. Further study showed that the expression of Ndfip1 increased in the mRNA levels at 6 hrs after 25 nmol/L rotenone treatment. The protein levels of Ndfip1 increased at 3 hrs, 6 hrs and decreased at 12 hrs after 100 nmol/L rotenone treatment. This indicates that rotenone caused damage to MES23.5 dopaminergic cells, which is accompanied by a decrease of Ndfip1.
Parkinson’ Disease, MES23.5 Cells, Rotenone, Ndfip1
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