Bond Lengths, Bond Angles and Bohr Radii from Ionization Potentials Related via the Golden Ratio for H2+, O2, O3, H2O, SO2, NO2 and CO2

Bond Lengths, Bond Angles and Bohr Radii from Ionization Potentials Related via the Golden Ratio for H2+, O2, O3, H2O, SO2, NO2 and CO2

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Author(s): Raji Heyrovska

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1298 2109 1-4 Volume 2 - Apr 2013


In a recent paper, it was shown that the atomic radii of main Group elements are directly proportional to their ground state Bohr radii obtained from the first ionization potentials, with the proportionality constant involving the Golden ratio. It was demonstrated in earlier articles that atomic and Golden ratio based ionic radii are additive in chemical bond lengths. Here the bond lengths and angles are interpreted in terms of the respective Bohr radii and the Golden ratio. Simple molecules present on our Earth and in the environment, which are of importance to our lives have been chosen here as examples.


Bond lengths, Bond angles, Bohr radii, Golden ratio, Water molecule, Ozone, Atmospheric molecules


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