The Effect of 4-Week Training with Shoulder Kinesio-Taping on Shooting Accuracy of Young Archers

The Effect of 4-Week Training with Shoulder Kinesio-Taping on Shooting Accuracy of Young Archers

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Author(s): Olcay Mülazımoğlu, Yakup Akif Afyon, Selçuk Sayılır, Ayşe Salgın

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1685 163 629 1-5 Volume 7 - Jun 2018


The aim of this research is to investigate the effects of exercises done by the kinesio-taping technique with 4-week on target shooting accuracy in young archers using olympic recurve bow. Eight athletes (3 females-5 males) (age: 15.63 ± 1.85 years) who competed in different ages and categories were voluntarily participated in the study, with the consent of their families. Athletes trained for 4 weeks through exercising deltoid muscles on the shoulders of grasp arm with a kinesiology tape before training by the help of a specialis. They performed 10 series of arrow shots consisting of three shots a standard olympic recurve bow according to the rules of saloon (18 meter distance) before and after the athletic training. Shooting scores were recorded according to the international scoring system. To determine the difference between the pre-test and post-test shot scores, the paired sample t-test and a correlation analysis between them was performed. The statistical significance (p) value was taken as <0.05. Statistically significant difference was found between pre-test and post-test values of average score of the shooters (p <0.05). This increase in post-test shooting scores in the archers shows that the kinesio-taping on shoulders positively affects the shooting accuracy during 4 weeks of trainings. The use of this method, which is thought to improve shooting accuracy of archers.


Archery, Shooting Accuracy, Kinesio-Taping, Olympic recurve bow, Training


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