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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1724
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a 77-87
Volume 7 - Jun 2018
Assisted phytoextraction involves the participation of plant species and supplementary agents (chemical or biological amendments) to increase the contaminant bioavailability and accumulation. The employment of many synthetic chelators, increase the mobility and bioavility of the heavy metal uptake by plants and favoring their accumulation in aerial parts of phytoextracting plants. The present work evaluates the effect of two chemical amendments: ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) and oxalic acid, as combine assisted phytoextraction of arsenic and cadmium and their effect on ionome of some nutrients of Sedum prealtum plants. At the concentrations tested for As and Cd; the nutrient elements: Ca and Mn accumulated in leaves, Fe, Cu and Mo accumulated in roots and for Mg and Zn concentrations these were almost equally distributed in leaves, stems and roots of this plant species. Even there was a diminished growth of them in presence of both heavy metals; ionomic profiles obtained as response of exogenous addition of As and Cd and both chelating agents were efficiently, increasing the bioavailability of some elements, showing a synergistic effect.
Assisted Phytoextraction, Sedum praealtum, Arsenic, Cadmium
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