Farmer’s Perceptions on Importance and Role of Agroforestry Species in Karago, Rwanda

Farmer’s Perceptions on Importance and Role of Agroforestry Species in Karago, Rwanda

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Author(s): Marie Claire UWINEZA, Sun YUJUN, Augustin NDEKEZI

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1882 76 271 72-79 Volume 8 - Jan 2019


Rwandan environment has been negatively impacted by agricultural activities. In many forest areas, trees have been cut down by surrounding people looking for cultivatable and grazing land. This study examined farmer’s perceptions on importance and role of agroforestry species in land use system. A sample of 67 farmers were interviewed on agroforestry species available in their farms and their role ;preferences in regard to different agroforestry species; the reason and problems of growing different agroforestry trees; different products obtained in agroforestry systems and their contribution to household income. Therefore, the results of the study show that 100 % of the interviewers have the agroforestry species in their farms. The most agroforestry species planted are Erythrina abyssinica (100 %) followed by Alnus acuminata (64.2 %). Farmer’s perception on agroforestry species in their farmland is that those species contribute in the considerable manner for the stability of the family income. This is proved by the NTFPs which generate incomes such as: fire wood, stakes fodder, fruits and building poles. Farmers also consider the role of agroforestry species in soil conservation in different manner such as soil erosion control, soil holding and increasing soil productivity. The major constraints to agroforestry practice include lack of access to agroforestry species seedlings; lack of capital, lack of labour supply and lack of knowledge about tree management. Considering these results indicate a strong role and importance of agroforestry species, hence the need to promote agroforestry technologies and practices in Karago sector.


Agroforestry Species, Farmer’s Perceptions, Species Preference, Role and Importance


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