Moving Ice and Satellites: The Motion of Crevasses in Antarctica

Moving Ice and Satellites: The Motion of Crevasses in Antarctica

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Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1963 31 115 130-139 Volume 8 - Feb 2019


Antarctica is a remote and hostile continent, the study of which is fundamental because of the role it has on oceans and Earth’s climate. Affected by the global warming phenomenon, Antarctica requires a constant monitoring of the status and motion of its ice. This monitoring can be achieved by means of satellites. Here we will show, by using Google Earth imagery, some evidence of the ice flows in this continent. In particular, we will discuss the motion of some surface features of the ice shelves, which can be considered as the surface expression of basal crevasses. We can measure the rate of their motion too.


Ice flow, Satellite Images, Geophysics, Climate Change, Global Warming, Crevasses, Basal Crevasses, Antarctica, Amery Ice Shelf, Larsen C Ice Shelf


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