A Note Concerning Equipotent Digraph Homomorphism Sets

A Note Concerning Equipotent Digraph Homomorphism Sets

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Author(s): Allen D. Parks

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2017 24 141 47-52 Volume 8 - May 2019


Functor adjunctions are fundamental to category theory and have recently found applications in the empirical sciences. In this paper a functor adjunction on a special full subcategory of the category of digraphs is borrowed from mathematical biology and used to equate cardinalities of sets of homomorphisms between various types of digraphs and associated line digraphs. These equalities are especially useful for regular digraphs and are applied to obtain homomorphism set cardinality equalities for the classes of de Bruijn digraphs and Kautz digraphs. Such digraphs play important roles in bioinformatics and serve as architectures for distributed high performance computing networks.


Category Theory, Functors, Adjunctions, Digraphs, Line Digraphs, Homomorphisms, De Bruijn Digraphs, Kautz Digraphs


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