Nuclear Energy Spectrum Decomposition Based on Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization

Nuclear Energy Spectrum Decomposition Based on Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization

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Author(s): Xing-Ke Ma, Yang-Zhen Ji

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2075 21 115 135-138 Volume 8 - May 2019


A nonlinear fitting model is proposed for the problem of nuclear energy spectrum decomposition. And the hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm based on natural selection idea and random inertia weight is used to solve. First, a nonlinear fitting model was introduced. Secondly, the defects of the traditional particle swarm optimization algorithm based on linear inertia weight are analyzed, and the ideas of stochastic inertia weight and natural selection are integrated into the algorithm for these shortcomings. Then, according to the specific problems involved in this paper and the existing data, the continuous function model is transformed into a discrete series model. According to the nature that the absolute value is not less than zero, the fitness value is appropriately modified to achieve the purpose of improving the calculation accuracy and the operation speed of the algorithm.


Energy Spectrum Decomposition, Nonlinear Fitting Model, Hybrid Particle Swarm


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