Possible Reconsilation of Unitary Quantum Theory and General Relativity

Possible Reconsilation of Unitary Quantum Theory and General Relativity

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Author(s): Leo G. Sapogin, Andrey Anatoly Kostin

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2499 35 134 10-13 Volume 10 - Aug 2021


The authors discuss contradictions between the principal branches of the modern physical picture of the universe. Space and time have been shown in the Unitary Quantum Theory (UQT) not to be connected one with the other, unlike in the Special Theory of Relativity. In UQT, time becomes Newtonian again, and the growth of the particle’s mass with growing speed proceeds from other considerations of physics. Unlike the quantum theory, the modern gravitation theory (the general theory of relativity) is not confirmed by experiments and needs to be considerably revised.


Unitary Quantum Theory, General Relativity, Special Relativity, Maxwell Equations, Lorentz Transformations, equation of John Wheeler and Bryce DeWitt


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  2. Sapogin LG, Ryabov Yu. A, Boichenko VA. «Unitary Quantum Theory and a New Sources of Energy.» Archer Enterprises, Geneva, NY, USA; 2005.
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  5. J. Wheeler, “Superspace and quantum geometrodynamics”, Battelle Rencontres:1967, Lectures in Mathematics and Physics, eds. C. M. DeWitt, J. A. Wheeler, Benjamin, New York, 1968, p.242.
  6. В. S. DeWitt, «Quantum theory of gravity». PhysRev. -1967 160-p. 1113.
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  8. N.A. Kozyrev. «Causal or asymmetrical mechanics in linear approximation» - Pulkovo, 1958.

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