Testicular Tuberculosis: Case Report and Diagnostic Challenge

Testicular Tuberculosis: Case Report and Diagnostic Challenge

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Author(s): Gabriella Beltrame Pintos, Adriano Silvério da Paixão, Vinicius Costa Lopes, Thiago da Silveira Antoniassi, Henrique Rabelo Cortines, Guilherme Cerqueira Gonzales, Rafael de Souza Aguiar, Daniel Salerno Muzilli, Eduardo Bueno Silveira, Caio Trajano Siqueira Salgado

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2733 22 55 12-14 Volume 12 - Nov 2023


Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, often associated with pulmonary infection. It is essential to recognize that this pathology can manifest in various parts of the body. The most common extrapulmonary manifestation is in the genitourinary system. The diagnosis of testicular tuberculosis is often complicated, as the symptoms can be nonspecific and overlap with other testicular conditions. A case was reported of a male patient, incarcerated, with a painless, indurated lesion in the left scrotum, evolving over approximately 5 months, who was later diagnosed with testicular tuberculosis. Emphasizing the importance of considering this differential diagnosis in patients with epididymitis that is difficult to resolve and who belong to risk populations, for appropriate treatment.


Genitourinary Tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Urogenital Tuberculosis, Testicular Tuberculosis


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