A Study of Physico- Chemical Properties & Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soils of Municipal Waste Dumpsite at Dholpur

A Study of Physico- Chemical Properties & Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soils of Municipal Waste Dumpsite at Dholpur

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Author(s): Jyoti Jadoun, M.K.Singh

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472 1264 45-49 Volume 3 - Jan 2014


The study assesses the qualities of contaminated soils of three municipal waste dumpsites in Dholpur, Rajasthan. The pH of the dumpsite soils ranged from 6.12±0.36 to 7.85±0.31 which is tending towards neutral or alkaline pH. Water holding capacity and moisture content at dumpsites were in good amounts (28.33±1.23 to 46.48±1.09 and 32.43±1.69 to 50.74±1.22 % respectively). Organic matter was higher (1.70±0.49 to 2.65±0.28%) at dumpsites as compared to their adjoining areas. Clay texture class played a significant role in differentiating normal soils of adjoining area than dumpsite soils. Total metal concentrations of Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn were also analyzed and elevated levels of heavy metals were obtained at dumpsites (34.56±1.05 to 110.75±2.59 mg/kg). Metal contamination at dumpsite was in the order of Pb>Cu>Cr>Ni>Zn>Cd imparting highest contamination to Recco Area dumpsite while Housing board dumpsite was least contaminated. Cr and Cd were not detectable from all adjoining areas while Pb, Zn, Fe, Ni and Cu were present in least amounts (7.12±0.20 to 36.84±4.12 mg/kg). Physico-chemical properties and heavy metal concentrations at each dumpsite were also correlated with each other and many significant correlations were observed. This work will prove valuable in providing baseline information for further soil quality monitoring studies in study area.


Heavy metals, Soil contamination, Environmental monitoring, MSW management


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