Volume 3 - Issue January 2014

Volume 3 - Issue January 2014

Robert Grosseteste and the Colours

Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

Keywords: History of Science, Medieval Science

Abstract   References DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.396 Downloads: 488 Pages: 1-6

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General Problems of Sciences

Author(s): Leo G. Sapogin, V. A. Dzhanibekov, Yu. A. Ryabov

Keywords: Unitary Quantum Theory, Standard Model, Quantum Electrodynamics, Maxwell Equations, Schrodinger Equation, Solid State Physics, Zone Theory, Semiconductors, Tunneling Effects

Abstract   References Downloads: 464 Pages: 7-26

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De Calore Solis, a Treatise on Heat by Robert Grosseteste

Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

Keywords: History of Science, Medieval Science

Abstract   References DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.397 Downloads: 455 Pages: 27-31

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Peculiar Dynamics of Phase-space Embedded SU(2) Hamiltonians

Author(s): Angelo Plastino, C. M. Sarris, M. P. Sassano

Keywords: Non-linear Semi-quantum Dynamics, Maximum Entropy Principle Approach, Complex Dynamics

Abstract   References Downloads: 425 Pages: 32-44

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A Study of Physico- Chemical Properties & Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soils of Municipal Waste Dumpsite at Dholpur

Author(s): Jyoti Jadoun, M.K.Singh

Keywords: Heavy metals, Soil contamination, Environmental monitoring, MSW management

Abstract   References Downloads: 475 Pages: 45-49

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Acute Treatment of Thrombolysis-Associated Symptomatic Intracranial Hemorrhage: A Case Report

Author(s): Nicola Morelli, Eugenia Rota, Ilaria Iafelice, Matteo Giorgi Pierfranceschi, Donata Guidetti

Keywords: thrombolysis, intracranial hemorrhage, treatment, stroke

Abstract   References Downloads: 431 Pages: 50-52

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Comparative Study of the Weed Flora in Sugar Cane (Sacharum Officinarum L.) Culvitation in the Area of the Sugar Refinery Complex of Ferkesedougou

Author(s): Karidia TRAORE, Claude kouadio KOUASSI, Hervé Roland KOUASSI, Dodiomon SORO

Keywords: Weed, sugar cane, floristic diversity index, similarity factor, Ferkessédougou

Abstract   References Downloads: 614 Pages: 53-60

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The Use of Proteolytic Activity to Evaluate Meat Tenderising Agents

Author(s): Glyn Hobbs, Ismini Nakouti

Keywords: Meat tenderisation, marinades, proteolytic activity, azocasein

Abstract   References Downloads: 428 Pages: 61-63

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Role of Macrophages in Internalization and Early Clearance of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa from the Mouse Lung

Author(s): Massimo Conese, Miriam Margherita Cortese-Krott, Elena Copreni, Stefano Castellani, Sante Di Gioia

Keywords: acute respiratory infection, airway epithelial cells, alveolar macrophages, Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Abstract   References Downloads: 599 Pages: 64-69

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Potential Assessment of Leaf Ethanolic Extract Honje (Etlingera Hemisphaerica) in Regulating Glucose and Triglycerides on Mice (Mus Musculus)

Author(s): Aceng Ruyani, Agus Sundaryono, Zico Fakhrur Rozi, Dian Samitra, Efri Gresinta

Keywords: E.hemispaerica, ethanolic extract, M. musculus, glucose, triglyceride

Abstract   References Downloads: 762 Pages: 70-76

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Study of the Red Algae Growth Gelidium Sesquipedale Turner) Thuret (Rhodophyceae, Gelidiales) of Moroccan Atlantic Coast

Author(s): Noura HANIF, CHAIR mohammed, CHBANI IDRISSI mostapha, NAOKI tojo

Keywords: red algae, Gelidium sesquipedale, production, resource, collection, agar, growth

Abstract   References Downloads: 500 Pages: 77-85

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Effect of Three Plant Hormone Elicitors on the Camptothecin Accumulation and Gene Transcript Profiling in Camptotheca Acuminata Seedlings

Author(s): Guoyin Kai, Xiaojuan Teng, Lijie Cui, Shanshan Li, Xiaolong Hao, Min Shi, Bin Yan


Abstract   References Downloads: 541 Pages: 86-95

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Effect of Alternative Products against Green Mold in Postharvest of Oranges (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck)

Author(s): Edmar Clemente, Maria Eugênia da Silva Cruz, Kátia Regina Freitas Schwan Estrada, José Renato Stangarlin, Maria Julia da Silva Cruz


Abstract   References Downloads: 469 Pages: 96-101

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Recent Severe Flooding in Calabar, Nigeria: Causes, Consequences and Possible Remedies

Author(s): I. J. Ekpoh


Abstract   References Downloads: 539 Pages: 102-105

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