Red Blood Cell (RBC) Phenotyping in Major Thalassemia Patients in Bushehr

Red Blood Cell (RBC) Phenotyping in Major Thalassemia Patients in Bushehr

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Author(s): Narges Obeidi, Samad AkbarZadeh, Ali Reza Mankhian

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571 1780 83-85 Volume 3 - Apr 2014


Background: RBC phenotyping is essential to confirm the identity of suspected alloantibodies and to facilitate the identification of antibodies that may be formed in the future. We tested the phenotype detection of A, B, C, c, D, E, e, Lea, Leb, K, Fya, Fyb, Jka, Jkb, M, N, S, s and P1antigens in the peripheral blood samples. Methods: RBC phenotyping in 72 transfused thalassemia patients were evaluated in Fatemeh Zahra Hospital in Bushehr in a cross-sectional study. K2-EDTA-anticoagulated blood samples were obtained for RBC antigen detection. Red cell antigens were detected using standard blood bank methods (saline, albumin and coombs phase). Results: In our study the mean age of were 18.21±7.46 years. There were 37 (51.40%) males and 35 (48.60%) females. We observed the presence of e, FYa, FYb and M antigens in all of patients. c, N, S, Lua and Leb antigens were found in most of patients. s antigen was not positive in any patient. Conclusion: If phenotype matching of the nonalloimmunized patient is done and if donor RBCs are selected to match the phenotype of the patient, then alloimmunization do not developed.


RBC phenotyping, major thalassemia, Fatemeh Zahra Hospital, Bushehr


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