Examine the Role of Effective Urban Factors in the Context and Reduction of Crime Opportunities and Insecurity in Urban Environments

Examine the Role of Effective Urban Factors in the Context and Reduction of Crime Opportunities and Insecurity in Urban Environments

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Author(s): Salman Hasanvand, Mohammad Amin Khojasteh Ghamari, Saeed Hadizadeh Firozjaee

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359 953 74-86 Volume 3 - Jul 2014


Today, through a spatial representation of criminal acts, and combining these data with spatial data, where possible, identify crimes and crime centers, where Halle predicted probability of abnormalities within the city limits is provided. Ultimately, this information can effectively reduce the crime rate in the city and reduce the factors underlying crime in urban environments be effective. Delinquency and crime problems and disorders that affect the entire community and each of the communities, large amounts of wealth and human capital has been spent fighting this social phenomenon. The origin of this phenomenon in the social structure, economy and environment from which they sought which there's a time and place that in the context of suitable, criminal background and repeat it provides and it a crime hotspot go on geographical environment makes. Hence, the specific features and structures of the urban environment have a significant impact on the incidence of crime and changes in the spatial structure and environmental conditions will lead to changes in patterns of criminal behavior. So three times, places, and people have a fundamental role in shaping criminal factors, such as differences in location, time and behavioral characteristics leads to the type and extent of crime in the city limits, take on different spatial and temporal patterns. Research methodology and descriptive - analytic study. This study intend to analysis effective factors in urban crime event and insecurity and also it give strategies for reduction of crime in urban environments . In this study, the knowledge and the corresponding definitions of crime and urban indicators, to examine the theoretical principles and theories of scholars addressed; then, identifying the factors and indicators and analysis of existing studies and After identifying strengths and weaknesses, and the constraints and opportunities provide guidelines and recommendations on how to improve areas of their proper shape to reduce crime, and the insecurity.


crime, land use, lighting, focus of crime, insecurity and delinquency


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