The Derivation of Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets and Systems on Continuous Domain: Theory and Applications to Heart Diseases

The Derivation of Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Sets and Systems on Continuous Domain: Theory and Applications to Heart Diseases

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Author(s): Rana Waleed Hndoosh, M. S. Saroa, Sanjeev Kumar

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377 1160 35-54 Volume 3 - Oct 2014


An overview and a derivation of interval type-2 fussy logic system (IT2 FLS), which can handle rule’s uncer-tainties on continuous domain, having good number of applications in real world. This work focused on the performance of an IT2 FLS that involves the operations of fuzzification, inference, and output processing. The output processing consists of Type-Reduction (TR) and defuzzification. This work made IT2 FLS much more accessible to FLS modelers, because it provides mathematical formulation for calculating the deriva-tives. Presenting extend to representation of T2 FSs on continuous domain and using it to derive formulas for operations, we developed and extended the derivation of the union of two IT2 FSs to the derivation of the intersection and union of N-IT2 FSs that is based on various concepts. The derivation of all the formulas that are related with an IT2 and these formulas depend on continuous domain with multiple rules. Each rule has multiple antecedents that are activated by a crisp number with T2 singleton fuzzification (SF). Then, we have shown how those results can be extended to T2 non-singleton fuzzification (NSF). We are derived the relationship between the consequent and the domain of uncertainty (DOU) of the T2 fired output FS. As well as, provide the derivation of the general form at continuous domain to calculate the different kinds of type-reduced. We have also applied an IT2 FLS to medical application of Heart Diseases (HDs) and an IT2 pro-vide rather modest performance improvements over the T1 predictor. Finally, we made a comparison of HDs result between IT2 FLS using the IT2FLS in MATLAB and the IT2 FLS in Visual C# models with T1 FISs (Mamda-ni, and Takagi-Sugeno).


Type-2 fuzzy sets, Interval type-2 membership functions, Footprint of uncertainties, set theoretic operations, Type-2 fuzzy logic system, Type-reduction, Heart diseases


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