Radical Scavenging Properties of a Cultured and Wild Teleost in Ekiti State, Nigeria

Radical Scavenging Properties of a Cultured and Wild Teleost in Ekiti State, Nigeria

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Author(s): Adewumi A. A, Ogunlade I., Adenegan J. A.

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.788 292 774 51-56 Volume 4 - Oct 2015


This project compared the radical scavenging activities (RSA) of Oreochromis niloticus harvested from a pond and two reservoirs located in Ekiti state, Nigeria, using different processing techniques. The RSA of the muscles were analyzed using 1,1, diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. At various concentrations, the RSA of the fresh sample was significantly different (P˃0.05) from the smoked and oven-dried sample, while the smoked sample and oven-dried samples were not significantly different (P˂0.05) from each other. The fresh fish proved to be a strong radical scavenger at all DPPH concentrations. The concentration dependent RSA thus followed the order; fresh sample > Oven-dried sample > Smoked sample. The RSA of the fish from the three locations was in the order of pond > reservoir 2 > reservoir 1. The consumption of tilapia should be encouraged to supplement the intake of cereals, which are the main staple foods of developing countries, as they may have significant positive health benefits by inhibiting lipid peroxidation and scavenging free radicals that lead to various diseases and cell degeneration.


antioxidant, tilapia, lipid, peroxidation, reservoir, pond


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