Keyword 'Susceptibility' Publications
Author(s): W. Braide, L.C. Madu, S.A. Adeleye, M.C. Korie, C.I. Akobondu
Keywords: Escherichia coli, ESBL, Prevalence, Antimicrobial susceptibility
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Author(s): Cícero José Luiz dos Ramos Almeida, Sivoneide Maria da SILVA, Thiago Henrique NAPOLEÃO, Márcia Vanusa da SILVA, Maria Betânia Melo de OLIVEIRA
Keywords: susceptibility, cellular hydrophobicity, Gram-positive
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Author(s): Carla Deisiane de Oliveira Costa, Antônio de Pádua Sousa, Marlene Cristina Alves
Keywords: soil use and occupation, soil aggregate, susceptibility to erosion, mean weighted diameter, soil structure
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