Real-time Monitoring Terminal Design of Orchard Pests Based on Infrared Linear Array Imaging

Real-time Monitoring Terminal Design of Orchard Pests Based on Infrared Linear Array Imaging

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Author(s): Boyang Chen, Liang Gao, Xuesong Suo

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1205 198 608 34-38 Volume 6 - Mar 2017


In order to achieve real-time monitoring of orchard pests, we propose a system which collects the infrared linear array images of the pest distribution from real-time acquisition terminals in the orchard. Based on the collected image, the system performs analysis of the pest species and quantity, and communicate with the terminals and PC through ZigBee module, 4G network and SMS modules, to provide real-time and highly accurate support to pest monitoring and therefore give early warnings.


Monitoring of Orchard pests, Infrared Linear Array, ZigBee, 4G Network


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