Detection of E.Coli Strains Isolated from Water Sources and Diarrhea Cases by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA in Basrah Governorate

Detection of E.Coli Strains Isolated from Water Sources and Diarrhea Cases by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA in Basrah Governorate

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Author(s): Zeena hashim Abd Al Wahid, Munaff Jawdat Abd Al-Abbas

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1943 37 116 68-83 Volume 8 - Mar 2019


One hundred samples of water and thirty of diarrheal cases were collected . Coliform bacteria was detected in most water samples by MPN to comparison with clinical coliform , tap water showed the higher rates of coliform than other sources . 23 different bacterial species from water and 3 from diarrhea were identified by 16SrDNA . E.coli 26 ( 35% ) as the prodomient species from water and 27 (79%) from diarrhea followed by K. pneumonia 11 (14.1%) and 4 (11.8%) respectively. Antibiotic susceptibility showed all E.coli isolates (100%) were MDR and the Ciprofloxacin was the more active antibiotic against isolates of water ( 59% ) and clinics ( 38% ) . In addition , the antibiotic susceptibility profiles showed the identical relatedness of 22 (53.65%) E.coli strains from water and diarrhea . Moreover , RAPD analysis showed 14 (34.14%) of E.coli strains from water and diarrhea were identical indicating to the fecal contamination of water.


E.coli, RAPD, Fecal Contamination, Diarrhea, 16S rDNA, Strains


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