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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.1943
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a 68-83
Volume 8 - Mar 2019
One hundred samples of water and thirty of diarrheal cases were collected . Coliform bacteria was detected in most water samples by MPN to comparison with clinical coliform , tap water showed the higher rates of coliform than other sources . 23 different bacterial species from water and 3 from diarrhea were identified by 16SrDNA . E.coli 26 ( 35% ) as the prodomient species from water and 27 (79%) from diarrhea followed by K. pneumonia 11 (14.1%) and 4 (11.8%) respectively. Antibiotic susceptibility showed all E.coli isolates (100%) were MDR and the Ciprofloxacin was the more active antibiotic against isolates of water ( 59% ) and clinics ( 38% ) . In addition , the antibiotic susceptibility profiles showed the identical relatedness of 22 (53.65%) E.coli strains from water and diarrhea . Moreover , RAPD analysis showed 14 (34.14%) of E.coli strains from water and diarrhea were identical indicating to the fecal contamination of water.
E.coli, RAPD, Fecal Contamination, Diarrhea, 16S rDNA, Strains
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