The Use of Geoinformtics in Site Selection for Suitable Landfill for Poultry Waste: A Case Study of Amo Farms, AWE AFIJIO, Oyo State

The Use of Geoinformtics in Site Selection for Suitable Landfill for Poultry Waste: A Case Study of Amo Farms, AWE AFIJIO, Oyo State

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Author(s): Christopher Onosemuode, Abodurin Wasiu Adeyemi

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DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.988 580 875 9-24 Volume 5 - Apr 2016


This study focused on selection of suitable landfill site for poultry waste in Amo farms Nigeria Limited Awe, Afijio Local Government. The data sets used for the study include; Satellite imagery (Landsat) and topographic maps of the study area. The layers created include those for roads, water bodies, farm sites and the slope map of the study area to determine the degree of slope. The various created layers were subjected to buffering, overlay and query operations using ArcGis 9.3 alongside the established criteria for poultry waste site selection. At the end of the analytical processes, search query was used to generate two most suitable sites of an area that is less than or equal to 20,000m2 (2 hectares).


Poultry, waste, Site, Geoinformatics, Selection


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