Volume 10 - Issue April 2021

Volume 10 - Issue April 2021

Pearl Millet Grain and Stover Nutrient Concentrations as Influenced by Tillage, Cropping System and Soil Amendment

Author(s): Pale Siebou, Taonda Sibiri Jean-Baptiste, Mason Stephen C., Serme Idriss, Sohoro Adama, Ouattara Korodjouma

Keywords: Compost, Fertilizer, No Till, Scarifying, Zaï, Human Nutrition, Cattle Nutrition, Critical Nutrient Concentration

Abstract   References DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2436 Downloads: 26 Pages: 1-8

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Effect of Composting Site on Surrounding Soils and Vegetation

Author(s): Mahmoona Ashraf, Shanza Ashraf, Abaid Ullah, Sajjad Ahmad, Samia Ashraf

Keywords: Landfills, Pit Compositing, Lateral Flow, Growth, Biodegradable, Dumping, Morphological

Abstract   References DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2422 Downloads: 37 Pages: 9-16

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The Statistics of the Bible

Author(s): Rowland J. O. Ekeocha

Keywords: Bible Verses, Bible Chapters, Bible Books, Bible Statistics

Abstract   References DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2457 Downloads: 63 Pages: 17-21

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Case Report: Multiple Tuberculous Tenosynovitis of the Flexor Tendons of the Wrist and Hand

Author(s): Jinjun Liang, Dan Yang, Xuhao Yang, Yunjun Wu, Guo Fu

Keywords: Tenosynovitis, Wrist, Hand, Flexor Tendons, Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis

Abstract   References DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2438 Downloads: 27 Pages: 33-37

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Color and Antioxidant Potential of Seasoning with Butternut Squash (Cucurbita moschata) Powder

Author(s): Hong Ahn, Il-Doo Kim

Keywords: Antioxidant Potential, Butternut Squash Powder, Color Value, Seasoning

Abstract   References DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2464 Downloads: 44 Pages: 38-41

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Estimation of Serum Cortisol in Type-2 Diabetic Patients under Control

Author(s): Chukwuemeka I. MBAM, Chinwe O. EWENIGHI-AMANKWAH, Godwin O. OKORO, Samuel A. FASOGBON, Cyril A. EGBO, Nnenna I. NJOKU, Kabiru O. AYODELE, Ifeoma G. ONUKWUE, Loveth O. FASOGBON, Sumbola A. ADEYINKA, Ahmed O. ADEBAYO, Dayo E. ADEDIWURA, Damilola E. OGUNTUNNBI, Ayobami B. OLAYERA

Keywords: Cortisol, Diabetic Mellitus, Insulin, Treatment, Type-2

Abstract   References DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.2462 Downloads: 40 Pages: 42-46

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