ACP1 - ADA1 Interaction and Human Health

ACP1 - ADA1 Interaction and Human Health

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Author(s): Gloria-Bottini F, Bottini E

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427 854 21-29 Volume 3 - Aug 2014


Background: Biochemical and epidemiological evidence suggest that ACP1 and ADA1 genetic polymorphisms interact with significant phenotypic effects at the clinical level. We have reviewed the observations collected by our group over twenty years on the interaction between these polymorphisms in order to elucidate their impact on human health. Methods: ACP1 and ADA1 phenotypes from 3297 subjects were determined by starch gel electrophoresis on RBC hemolysates. Results: Birth weights are higher in newborns with the ACP1*A/*A and *B/*A genotypes carrying the ADA1*2 than in those with other joint genotypes. During the pre-reproductive and early reproductive stages of extrauterine life, individuals carrying these genotypes are more susceptible to diseases involving the immune system. ACP1*A/*A and *B/*A genotypes carrying the ADA1*2 allele are protected against common diseases occurring during the last stage of life. Conclusions: The joint ACP1-ADA1 system has an important role in human health and development.


ACP1, ADA1, human health, genetic interaction


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