Volume 3 - Issue August 2014

Volume 3 - Issue August 2014

Ab-initio Electronic Structure Calculations for Aluminum Arsenide Nanocrystals using Hartree-Fock Method Coupling with Large Unit Cell Method

Author(s): Akram Hashim Taha, Adnan H. Al-Arajiy

Keywords: AlAs ncs, Ab-initio, Hartree-Fock, LUC

Abstract   References Downloads: 416 Pages: 1-6

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Immunity of Operational Amplifiers against High Frequency and High Amplitude Pulse Interferences

Author(s): Osunde O.D, Anyaoha S.N.

Keywords: OP -Amps, Electromagnetic Interference, EMRR. RF, Modeling, Simulation, Offset Voltage

Abstract   References Downloads: 461 Pages: 7-12

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Ion Chromatography for Determining Chloride Contents in Gas, Water and Condensate Samples from Gas-Condensate Reservoir

Author(s): Ashraf Yehia El-Naggar

Keywords: Chloride content, Natural gas, Water, Condensate, Ion Chromatography, Egyptian gas plants and Chloride content

Abstract   References Downloads: 407 Pages: 13-16

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Measuring the Speed of Sound Using Oscilloscope and Buzzers

Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

Keywords: Sound, Waves, Phase Velocity, Physics class

Abstract   References DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.550 Downloads: 601 Pages: 17-20

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ACP1 - ADA1 Interaction and Human Health

Author(s): Gloria-Bottini F, Bottini E

Keywords: ACP1, ADA1, human health, genetic interaction

Abstract   References Downloads: 428 Pages: 21-29

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Study Post - Harvest about Impact and Compression Mechanical in the Cell Quality of Guava Fruit (CV. Paluma)

Author(s): Edmar Clemente, Roselene Ferreira Oliveira, Vanessa Daiane Mendes, Simone Molina

Keywords: guava, cv. Paluma, mechanical injury, pericarp anatomy

Abstract   References Downloads: 535 Pages: 30-34

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GIMP and Wavelets for Medical Image Processing: Enhancing Images of the Fundus of the Eye

Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

Keywords: Image processing, Retina, Retina Vessels, GIMP, AstroFracTool, Iris, Wavelets

Abstract   References DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.556 Downloads: 463 Pages: 35-47

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