Keyword 'Abundance' Publications
Author(s): A. K. Elsafori
Keywords: Vegetation, Density, Association, Abundance, Frequency and Dominance, Burma Wadi K.S.A.
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Author(s): Raphaël N’doua Etilé, Georges Kassi Blahoua, Théophile Aké Bédia, Paul Essetchi Kouamelan, Valentin N’Douba
Keywords: Acartia clausi, Population Structure, Abundance and Biomass, Body Length, Tropical Lagoon
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Author(s): Adewumi A. A, Idowu E. O., Adeniji A. A.
Keywords: Parachanna Obscrura, Diversity, Mormyridae, Abundance, Resources
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Author(s): MABESSIMO Cléoface Landry, Niu Shukui
Keywords: Vascular Plants, Abundance, Models, Prediction, Dongling
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