Keyword 'Prediction' Publications
Author(s): Irena Cosic, Drasko Cosic, Ivan Loncarevic
Keywords: Delta Variant of SARS-CoV-2, Prediction of Infectivity, Resonant Recognition Model, COVID-19
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Author(s): Gérard Lucotte, Jacques Macé, Thierry Thomasset
Keywords: Napoléon the First, Genomic DNA, Predictions about Colours of the Skin, the Eyes and the Hairs
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Author(s): Irena Cosic, Drasko Cosic, Ivan Loncarevic
Keywords: UK Variant of SARS-CoV-2, South African Variant of SARS-CoV-2, Prediction of Functional Mutations, Resonant Recognition Model, COVID-19
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Author(s): MABESSIMO Cléoface Landry, Niu Shukui
Keywords: Vascular Plants, Abundance, Models, Prediction, Dongling
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Author(s): Yi-Fang Chang
Keywords: geophysics, earthquake, fluid dynamics, prediction, nonlinear system, topology
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