Keyword 'Cosmology' Publications

The Ten Spheres of Al-Farabi: A Medieval Cosmology

Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

Keywords: Al-Farabi, Robert Grosseteste, Medieval Cosmology, Medieval Science

Abstract   References Volume 3 - Jun 2014 DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.517

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The Creation of the World in the Sefer Yetzirah

Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

Keywords: Cosmogony, Ancient cosmology

Abstract   References Volume 3 - May 2014 DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.498

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Robert Grosseteste's Thought on Light and Form of the World

Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

Keywords: Robert Grosseteste, Medieval Cosmology, Medieval Science

Abstract   References Volume 3 - Apr 2014 DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.486

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A General Solution to Einstein

Author(s): Leandro Melendez Lugo, Pablo Chauvet, Jaime Klapp

Keywords: Einstein's equations, Cosmology, General Relativity

Abstract   References Volume 2 - Apr 2013

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