Volume 6 - Issue December 2017
Author(s): Surendar Singh, M N Kaul
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Author(s): Kafilatou T. SOUBEROU, Euloge OGOUWALE, Euloge AGBOSSOU, Toko Mouhamadou Inoussa
Keywords: Oti Watershed, Inland Valley, Land Cover Dynamics, Regression
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Author(s): Yingying Li, Ling Li, Yi WANG, Kelong Wu, Linlin WANG, Yu WANG, Bingyan LIU, Xiangmin YU
Keywords: Bone marrow stem cells, Hepatocyte, Differentiation, Hepatocyte growth factor, Nuclear factor-kappa B, p38MAPK
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Author(s): Jianye Shao, Lin Sun, Bin Wang, Wei Zhao
Keywords: Aspergillus fumigates, Autophagy, cAMP-dependent protein kinase, Tor kinase
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Author(s): Seca Gandaseca, Ahmad Hanafi Hamzah, Ahmad Mustapha Muhamad Pazi, Usama Mohd Alifa
Keywords: Sediment, Factors, Nutrient Availability, Mangrove Forest and Perak
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Author(s): NIKIEMA Wendyam Fabrice, KOÏTA Kadidia, ZIDA Elisabeth Pawindé, KABORE Koudougou Blaise
Keywords: Bipolaris oryzae, radial growth, antifungal potential, Lippia multiflora, Securidaca longepedonculata
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Author(s): Gerard Lucotte, Thierry Thomasset
Keywords: Bayard knight, dental plaque, SEM-EDX studies, diet and drink, dental cares
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