Volume 3 - Issue December 2014

Volume 3 - Issue December 2014

Obtention and Evaluation of Lyophilized Pulp Powder of Different Cultivars of Avocado

Author(s): Angela Kwiatkowski, Dalany Menezes de Oliveira, Diego Rodrigues Marques, Janksyn Bertozzi, Edmar Clemente

Keywords: Persea Americana Mill, drying, enzymatic darkening, phenolic compounds

Abstract   References Downloads: 453 Pages: 1-7

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MTCBP-1 Protein Expression is Enhanced in Fat Overloaded HepG2

Author(s): Masego Tsimako Johnstone, Paul Kroon, Peter Wilce


Abstract   References Downloads: 430 Pages: 8-23

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Some Notes on Boltzmann and Landauer Phonon Thermal Transport at Nanoscale

Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

Keywords: Nanotubes, Nanowires, Nanostructures, Phonons, Thermal Transport, Relaxation Time Approximation, Boltzmann Equation, Landauer Formula

Abstract   References DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.604 Downloads: 389 Pages: 24-27

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An Y-chromosome STR Profile of Karl Wilhelm Naundorff (1785?-1845)

Author(s): Gerard Lucotte, Christian Crépin

Keywords: Y-chromosome markers, short tandem repeats (STRs), allelic values, Hugues de Bourbon, members of the Naundorff' family

Abstract   References Downloads: 519 Pages: 28-32

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Using Time Series and Graphs in the Analysis of Dante's Divine Comedy

Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

Keywords: Literary Experiments, Word Occurrences, Graphs, Divina Commedia, Divine Comedy, Dante Alighieri

Abstract   References DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.605 Downloads: 460 Pages: 33-40

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Local Referendums; As a Tool for Promoting Democracy and Respect for Human Rights in Albania

Author(s): Rifat Demalija

Keywords: referendum, democracy, participation, practicing democracy, human rights

Abstract   References Downloads: 327 Pages: 41-46

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Inhibition of Human Parainfluenza Virus Type 2 Growth in Vitro by Catechin is caused by the Inhibition of Genome and mRNA Syntheses and by the Disruption of Cytoskeleton, and that by Tannic Acid is Mainly Caused by Genome Synthesis Inhibition and the Disruption of Cytoskeleton

Author(s): Hiroshi Komada, Jun Uematsu, Sahoko Kihira, Mika Uchida, Yurika Sakakura, Sayuri Deguchi, Kae Sakai, Hidetaka Yamamoto, Mitsuo Kawano, Masato Tsurudome, Myles O’Brien

Keywords: human parainfluenza virus type 2, catechin mixture, tannic acid, a recombinant green fluorescence protein expressing hPIV-2 without matrix protein

Abstract   References Downloads: 370 Pages: 47-55

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