Keyword 'Biological' Publications
Author(s): Adjaratou Basse, Donatien Kabore, Mamadou Salif Sow, Seynabou Momar Fall, Eliasse Dieme, Fatou Diallo, Magatte Fall, Mamoudou Hama Dicko
Keywords: Souna Millet, Mechanical Shelling, Flour, Semolina, Microbiological and Physicochemical Quality
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Author(s): Irena Cosic, Drasko Cosic
Keywords: Biological Temperature, Bioelectromagnetism, Resonant Recognition Model
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Author(s): Gunnar Glauco De Cunto Carelli Taets, Caroline Mignha Aben-Athar Fernandes, Lucas da Costa Torres, Christian Marx Carelli Taets
Keywords: Music, Cancer, Biological Effects
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Author(s): Nguessan Aya Carine, Doumbouya Mohamed, Silue Nakpalo, Kone Klinnanga Noël, Kone Daouda
Keywords: Bacteriosis, Xanthomonas sp., Anacardium occidentale L., Essential Oil, Biological Fighting
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Author(s): Jemilat Aliyu IBRAHIM, Henry Omoregie EGHAREVBA, Karniyus Shingu GAMANIEL
Keywords: Chemical, Biological, Screening approaches, phytopharmaceuticals, Herbal products, Medicinal plants, Research and development, Quality parameters
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Author(s): Elvira Tarsitano
Keywords: Climatic changes, Biodiversity, Biological cycles, Urban ecosystem
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Author(s): Mohamed E. Khalifa, Ahmed S. Radwan, El-Sayed H. Al-Tamany, Ehab Abdel-Latif
Keywords: 2-Aminothiazole, Biological activity, Disperse dyes, Fastness properties, Polyester fibers, Thiophene
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