Volume 2 - Issue October 2013

Volume 2 - Issue October 2013

The Generation of Sounds According to Robert Grosseteste

Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

Keywords: History of Science, Medieval Science, Acoustics, Phonetics

Abstract   References DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.311 Downloads: 626 Pages: 1-5

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Microencapsulation of Red Mombin (Spondias Purpurea L.) Pulp using Spray-Drying

Author(s): Edmar Clemente, Katieli Martins Todisco, José Maria Correia da Costa, Sueli Rodrigues

Keywords: spray-dryer, room temperature, conservation, purple mombin

Abstract   References Downloads: 509 Pages: 6-11

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Interaction Model between HRSV G-Protein and Flavonoids

Author(s): Fátima Pereira de Souza, Mariana Pela Sabgad, Gabriela Campos de Araujo, Haroldo Lima Pimentel Cravo, Thiago Pançonato Salen Teixeira, Valmir Fadel, Deriane Elias Gomes, Marcelo Andres Fossey

Keywords: hRSV, G-protein, Molecular docking

Abstract   References Downloads: 525 Pages: 12-19

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On Social Networks in Plays and Novels

Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

Keywords: Literary experiments, Literary laboratories, Networks

Abstract   References DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.312 Downloads: 588 Pages: 20-25

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Water-Rock Interaction: Implications for the Origin and Program of Global Evolution

Author(s): S.L. Shvartsev

Keywords: Composition of water, equilibrium, hydrogeochemistry, internal evolution, water-rock interaction, mechanism of evolution, program of global evolution

Abstract   References Downloads: 488 Pages: 26-30

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Environmental, Human and Socioeconomic Characteristics of Pedestrian Injury and Death in Las Vegas, NC

Author(s): Jennifer Pharr, Courtney Coughenour, Timothy Bungum

Keywords: Pedestrian crashes, environmental characteristics, walkability, built environment, physical activity

Abstract   References Downloads: 457 Pages: 31-39

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Problems in Inducing Interferon Therapy of Opiate Addicts with Chronic Hepatitis C Who Are In Substitution Maintenance Therapy with Buprenorphine/Naloxone (Suboxone®)

Author(s): Mevludin Hasanovic, Alija Sutovic, Esmina Avdibegovic, Izet Pajevic, Abdurahman Kuldija, Amra Delic, Nerminka Aljukic

Keywords: Chronic hepatitis C, Peginterferon plus Ribavirin, Opiate Addiction, Substitution Opiate Treatment, Buprenorphine/Naloxone, Suboxone

Abstract   References Downloads: 491 Pages: 40-44

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Biosorption of Cadmium (II), Lead (II) and Nickel (II) by Spirulina Maxima

Author(s): Alma Rosa Domínguez-Bocanegra, Jorge Antonio Torres-Muñoz, Ricardo Aguilar López

Keywords: Spirulina maxima, biosorption kinetics, lead, cadmium, nickel

Abstract   References Downloads: 692 Pages: 45-55

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Effects of Climate Changes on the Spread of Pathogens: Risk to Biodiversity

Author(s): Elvira Tarsitano

Keywords: Climatic changes, Biodiversity, Biological cycles, Urban ecosystem

Abstract   References Downloads: 455 Pages: 56-62

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The Methodology for Determination of Optimal Warm Forging Temperature using Computer Simulation

Author(s): Maria Kapustova

Keywords: Warm Forming, Warm Temperature, Plasticity, Forgeability, Pressure test, Simulation

Abstract   References Downloads: 455 Pages: 63-67

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Azoniallene Salts: Synthesis and their Utility in Heterocyclic Synthesis

Author(s): Mohamed E. Khalifa, Ahmed S. Radwan, El-Sayed H. Al-Tamany, Ehab Abdel-Latif

Keywords: 2-Aminothiazole, Biological activity, Disperse dyes, Fastness properties, Polyester fibers, Thiophene

Abstract   References Downloads: 496 Pages: 68-86

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Interference of the Developing and Toxin Production of Clostridium Botulinum by Lactobacillus Paracasei Subspecies Paracasei

Author(s): Rafael Alfredo Fernández, María Laura Carbone, María Laura Sánchez, Virtudes Pareja, Laura Irene Teresita de Jong, María Isabel Bianco

Keywords: botulism, infant botulism, toxin formation, inhibition, probiotics, lactic acid bacteria, prevention

Abstract   References Downloads: 456 Pages: 87-93

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The Oscillations of Heavy Springs Discussed for a Student Laboratory

Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna

Keywords: Heavy spring, Hooke’s Law, Oscillation, Physics class

Abstract   References DOI: 10.18483/ijSci.320 Downloads: 1849 Pages: 94-99

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Quality Assessment of 12-Lead ECG in Body Sensor Network

Author(s): Amal N. El-Sari, Reda A. El-Khoribi

Keywords: BSN, ECG, QRA, Decision tree

Abstract   References Downloads: 552 Pages: 100-105

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Effect of Iron Nanoparticles on Hyacinth’s Fermentation

Author(s): Tariq Mahmood, Bakht Zada, S. A. Malik

Keywords: iron nanoparticles, water hyacinth, yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, fermentation, biohydrogen, bioethanol

Abstract   References Downloads: 630 Pages: 106-121

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Homology Modeling and Molecular Dynamic Study of Candida Albicans Heat Shock Protein 21, a Potential Target Protein for Antifungal Drug Development

Author(s): Abdul Wadood, Nasir Ahmed, Muhammad Riaz, Sulaiman Shams, Javed Anwer, Ayaz Ahmed

Keywords: Candida albicans, Heat shock protein, Homology modeling, MD simulation

Abstract   References Downloads: 476 Pages: 122-131

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