Keyword 'Light' Publications
Author(s): Maher Ali Rusho
Keywords: Torus, n-Dimensional Glued Surface, Gausian Surface, The Shape Of Space, Torus-Tic-Tacoe, Torus World, Torus Light, Closed Universe
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Author(s): Jae-il Kwon
Keywords: Antioxidant Potential, Black Tea, Green Tea, In-flight Beverage, Pu-erh Tea
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Author(s): Weitter Duckss
Keywords: Habitable Zone, Constant Growth, Effects of Rotation, Cyclones in Space, Light, Red and Blueshift
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Author(s): Zuolin Zhu, Jonathan Zhu, Shanqing Sun, Tongxing Xie
Keywords: CP-light destruction hypothesis, chiroptical molecular switch, pyridyl compounds
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Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
Keywords: GIMP Retinex, Image Processing, Medical Imaging, Biologic Imaging, Panoramic Radiography, Radiographic Imaging, Kerr Microscopy, Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect, Polarized Light Microscopy, Liquid Crystals, Scanning Electron Microscopy
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Author(s): Tridib Banerjee
Keywords: Photon, Decaying of photon, Speed of light, mass energy symmetry, energy decay
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Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
Keywords: Semiconductors, Light-Emitting Diodes, Solid-State Lighting Systems, LEDs, GaAs, GaN, InGaN
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Author(s): Amelia Carolina Sparavigna
Keywords: History of Physics, History of Engineering, Carbon-Arc Light, Electromagnetism
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Author(s): Salman Hasanvand, Mohammad Amin Khojasteh Ghamari, Saeed Hadizadeh Firozjaee
Keywords: crime, land use, lighting, focus of crime, insecurity and delinquency
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