Keyword 'Nat' Publications
Author(s): Gérard Lucotte
Keywords: Bayard Knight, Reconstitution of His Face, Anatomic Characteristics of His Face, DNA Studies, Informatics Treatment of His Portrait, Facegen Programme
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Author(s): Maher Ali Rusho
Keywords: Logarithmic Function, Euler _Lagrange Beautiful Math Equation, Natural Log Series
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Author(s): Hu Hui, Jun Li
Keywords: Neonatal, Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Progress in Treatment
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Author(s): M. O. Aremu, Ipuole Emmanuel Achuri, S. C. Ortutu, Mary Omolola Omosebi, Abdullahi Usman, O. J. Oko, Lawrencia Labaran
Keywords: Fatty Acids, Phospholipids, Phytosterols, Germinated, Non-Germinated, Sorghum bicolor
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Author(s): Aydan Mohnatova
Keywords: Natural Resource, Economic Growth
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Author(s): Gérard Lucotte, Franz Jullien
Keywords: Bayard (1473?-1524) Cranium, Anatomical Study, Comparisons with the Face of Bayard’s Drawing, Deviation Towards the Left of the Nose Point, FaceG en Programme
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Author(s): Zeng Meng
Keywords: Higher Education of Law, Senior High School Education, Vertical Inter-school Cooperation, Reform of College Entrance Examination, Subject Career Guidance
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Author(s): Gerard Lucotte, Stephan Borensztajn, Raoul Perrot
Keywords: Sampiero Corso (1498-1567) Cranium, Anatomical Study, 14C radiodating
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Author(s): Sawatdikarn Sanit
Keywords: Water Stress Treatments, Sunflower (Helianthus annuus), Castor Bean (Ricinus communis), Seed Germination, Seedling Growth Performance, Water Deficit
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Author(s): Thérèse Nadège Okoa Amougou, Ajeagah Gideon Aghaindum, Quiggle Asi Atud
Keywords: Cosmopolitan Nature, Ascaris lumbricoïdes, Eggs, Well Water
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Author(s): Sawatdikarn Sanit
Keywords: Herbicidal Potential, Crude Extracts, Red Spragle, Leptochloa Chinensis, Seed Germination, Seedling Growth, Allelopathic Activity
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Author(s): Sawatdikarn Sanit
Keywords: Ethanolic Crude Extracts, Devil Tree, Seed Germination Inhibition, Seedling Growth Inhibition, Antigerminative Effects
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Author(s): Tengteng Guan, Tengteng Guan, Hongmin Xu, Yi Ma, Yinjie Li
Keywords: Undaria pinnatifida Suringar, Phytoene Desaturase (PDS), Gene Cloning, Functional Expression, Transgentic Tabacoo
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Author(s): Souare Konsala, Baye-Niwah Claudette, Hamawa Yougouda, Tezore Bakary Prudence
Keywords: Loranthaceae, Parasitism, Host, Natural Site, Agrosystem
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Author(s): Yandev Doowuese, V. N. Chigor, M. J. Abam, J. O. Olasan, M. N. Ishwua, J. S. Osar
Keywords: Contamination, Enteric helminthes, Ushongo LGA, Vegetables
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Author(s): Zeena hashim Abd Al Wahid, Munaff Jawdat Abd Al-Abbas
Keywords: E.coli, RAPD, Fecal Contamination, Diarrhea, 16S rDNA, Strains
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Author(s): Trigo M. S., María Gabriela Muro, A. C. Cattáneo, R. Arias, María Elena Cossú, A. G. Antonini
Keywords: Rabbits, Alternative Protein Source, Protein level, Performance
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Author(s): OUATTARA Généfol, JOHNSON Félicia, TUO Seydou, SORO Sibirina, Brice Sidoine Essis, Doumbouya Mohamed, Bomisso Edson Lezin, Kone Daouda
Keywords: Cowpea, Germination, Macrophomina phaseoli, Callosobruchus maculatus, Côte d’Ivoire
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Author(s): Gallab Bander Alotaibi, Ibrahim Mohamed Aref
Keywords: Acacia Species, Scarification, Boiling, Treatment, Socking, Germination
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Author(s): A. A. Adewumi, O. M. Odeyemi
Keywords: Growth, Catfish, Legume, Alternative, Bambara
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Author(s): Farhana Maqbool, Seema Singh, Tareq A. wani, Mudasir Ahmad, Bashir A. Ganai, Mahroofa Jan
Keywords: Atropa acuminata, Callus, Micropropagation, antioxidant, DPPH
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Author(s): Abebe Sori Negewo
Keywords: Accession, Sesamum indicum, Temperature, Germination
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Author(s): Vincent Ishola Esan, Taiwo Ayanniyin Ayanbamiji, Janet Omoyemi Adeyemo, Sunday Oluwafemi
Keywords: Tomato genotypes, solutions of PEG 6000, germination, water stress
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Author(s): Qianqian Li, Li Guanghui
Keywords: Prenatal Disgnosis, Supersonic Inspection, Fetal Malformations
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Author(s): Wisuthra Intongkaew, Liu Junchang
Keywords: National Forest Policy, Economic Forest Plantation Management, Support and Promotion
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Author(s): Ohia N.P., Anyadiegwu C.I.C., Muonagor C. M.
Keywords: Compressed Natural Gas, Economic Analysis, NPV, Pay-Out, IRR, Automobiles
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Author(s): Birgül Çakıroğlu, Reyhan Akat
Keywords: Cultural heritage, Eastern Anatolia culture, Southeastern Anatolia culture
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Author(s): Abayomi Joseph Afe, Ganiyu Agboola, Abimbola Oduola, Maduakolam Onyema, Timothy Akinmurele, Florence Olaosebikan, Adeola Olatoun
Keywords: Traditional Birth Attendants (TBA), Antenatal care (ANC), Prevention of Mother to child transmission of HIV(PMTCT)
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Author(s): Damte Shimelis
Keywords: high risk infant clinic, neonate, Ethiopia, neonatal intensive care unit, high blood pressure
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Author(s): Marie Caroline MOMO SOLEFACK, Lucie Félicité TEMGOUA, Norbert Gildas ASSONE
Keywords: Germination, seed, seedlings, diameter class, mother plant, Pericopsis elata
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Author(s): Muhammad Qasim, Tariq Mahmood Ansari, Mazhar Hussain
Keywords: Waste Cooking Oil, Biodiesel Blends, Alternate Energy, Diesel Engine, Performance Parameters
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Author(s): Debendra Bhandari, Zhou Jianhua
Keywords: Buffer Zone Community Forest, Chitwan National Park, forest dependency, logistic regression, Nepal
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Author(s): WANG Yanping, HU Yingfen, MA Yuping, ZHANG Yuanjie, LIU Qing
Keywords: Peanut Meal, Bacillus Natto, Response Surface Methodology, Antioxidant Activity
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Author(s): Mariana Saragioto Krause, Ana Flavia Schvabe Duarte, Francis José Zortéa Merino, Cristiane da Silva Paula, Marilis Dallarmi Miguel, Obdulio Gomes Miguel
Keywords: germination, growth, respiration, bioassay, Atlantic Rainforest.
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Author(s): Bruno Oliveira de Carvalho, Rafael Antônio Presotto, Jéssica de Oliveira Lima, Shana de Mattos de Oliveira Coelho, Miliane Moreira Soares de Souza, Everaldo Zonta, Irene da Silva Coelho
Keywords: Crambe press cake, Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE), microorganisms, Oil well drilling gravel, planosol.
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Author(s): Mamadou SADJI, Ndèye Fatou NDIAYE, Cheikna ZONGO, Yves TRAORE, Mohamadou Diop SALL, Alfred TRAORE
Keywords: Malnutrition, Diarrhea, Children, Complementary food, Water contamination, Watermelon juice, Cooking
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Author(s): P. S. Harikumar, Anisha Aravind
Keywords: Copper nanoparticles, Copper-alginate beads, Copper nanoparticle coated Polyurethane foam, E.coli, SEM, EDS and Antibacterial activity.
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Author(s): J.K Musyoki, N Wachira, P.G Mwitari, F.M Tolo, J.M Kuria, N Adipo, C.N. Mutuku, J.N Mutunga
Keywords: Indigenous, natural, coagulant, utilization, safety
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Author(s): Yu Zhou, Zegang Ma, Qi Liu
Keywords: Parkinson’s Disease, Olfactory Discrimination, Fine Odor Discrimination, Hyperactivity
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Author(s): M. M. Manyi, A. A. Dechi, A. I. Kwaghbo
Keywords: Anopheles funestus, Anopheles gambiae, Incrimination, microfilarial infection, Makurdi, Nigeria
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Author(s): AL Quthami Khalid, Fadel Qabani, Mazen G Saeedi, Fauziah F Abusaadh, Suliman A Esmat, Saeed A Badahdah
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Author(s): Lino Navarro Baron
Keywords: Ch’i, Chinese kapitans, Chinatown, Ethnicity, Feng Shui, Geomancy, Multi-racial societies, Plural societies, Shophouses, Taoism, Yin-Yang
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Author(s): Ashraf Yehia El-Naggar
Keywords: Chloride content, Natural gas, Water, Condensate, Ion Chromatography, Egyptian gas plants and Chloride content
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Author(s): Edmar Clemente, Roselene Ferreira Oliveira, Vanessa Daiane Mendes, Simone Molina
Keywords: guava, cv. Paluma, mechanical injury, pericarp anatomy
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Author(s): Ashraf Yehia El-Naggar
Keywords: Physical properties, liberated natural gas, pressures, gas chromatography
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Author(s): Nguyen Trong Minh
Keywords: Hoang Su Phi district, natural forest, selected forest tree species, protection forest, production forest
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Author(s): S.S. Ochigbo, M.A.T. Suleiman
Keywords: Polyvinyl acetate, Natural rubber, Latex, Waterborne, binders, blends
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Author(s): Sheriff Ghali Ibrahim, Mohammed Wader, Bibi Farouq
Keywords: human rights, abuse, universal, declaration, international politics, United Nations
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Author(s): Jyoti Jadoun, M.K.Singh
Keywords: Heavy metals, Soil contamination, Environmental monitoring, MSW management
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Author(s): Raed Bashitialshaaer, Kenneth M Persson
Keywords: desalination, cost estimation, technology, feed water, energy, capacity
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